Teknik Perhitungan Belt Conveyor agar Memahami perhitungan dasar conveyor belt akan memastikan desain conveyor Anda akurat dan tidak terlalu banyak menuntut pada sistem Anda.
Legenda Perhitungan Conveyor
B: Sinus sudut kemiringan
C: Jarak dari pulley ke pulley (inci)
D: Diameter Pulley penggerak (inci)
d: Diameter Pulley tail (inci)
E: Ketegangan efektif (lbs.)
E1: Tegangan sisi kendur (lbs.) E2: Tegangan sisi yang kencang (lbs.)
F: Koefisien gesekan (Lihat Tabel # 1)
G1: Beban per kaki persegi (lbs.)
G2: Beban per jam (lbs.)
HP: Tenaga kuda
K: Faktor Penggerak – lihat tabel # 2
L: Panjang Belt Conveyor (inci)
M: Berat Belt Keseluruhan
P: Berat produk (lbs.)
RPM: Revolusi per menit
S: Kecepatan Conveyor per menit
T: Ketegangan Operasi PIW (lbs.)
W: Berat Belt(inci)
Table of Contents
ToggleTeknik Perhitungan Belt Design Umum
Menghitung Belt Length
When the head and tail pulley are the same size: L=(D+d)/2 x 3.1416+2C
When one pulley is larger than the other pulley: L=(D+d)/2 x 3.1416+2C+(D-d)2/4c
Cara Menghitung Belt Speed
Expressed in feet per minute (FPM)
S=D x RPM x .2618 x 1.021
Cara Mengetahui Belt Load
At one time when the load is known per square foot: P= G1 x C(in feet)x W (in feet)
At one time when load is known by pounds per hour: P=G2/(S x 60) x C(in feet)
Mengukur Kekuatan Horsepower
Level Conveyors: HP=(F x S x (P+M))/33,000
Inclined Conveyors: HP=((P x B)+(P+M)x F x S)/33,000
Effective Tension
Pull needed to move belt and load horizontally: E= F x (P+M)
Tight Side Tension
Total tension to move belt and load horizontally: E2= E+E1
Slack Side Tension
Additional tension required to prevent slippage on drive pulley: E1=E x K
Operating Tension
Determines the working strength of the belt to handle the job on per inch of width basis: T= E2/W
The Coefficient of Friction
Belt | Steel of Aluminum | Metal Rollers |
Friction surface on pulley side | .30 to .35 | .10 to .15 |
Bare duck on pulley side | .20 to .25 | .10 to .15 |
Cover on pulley side | .50 to .55 | .10 to .15 |
The Drive Factor “K”
Belt wrap on drive pulley | Screw Take-Up | Gravity Take-Up |
180° | Bare: 1.6 Lagged: 1.0 | Bare: .84 Lagged: .50 |
220° | Bare: 1.2 Lagged: .6 | Bare: .62 Lagged: .35 |
240° | Bare: 1.0 Lagged: .5 | Bare: .54 Lagged: .30 |
contoh soal perhitungan belt conveyor
Perhitungan Daya Motor Conveyor (Calculation of Conveyor Power Equipment)
Belt Conveyor
Dimana :
P : Power (Kw)
P1 : Horizontal Power No Loaded (Kw)
P2 : Horizontal Power Loaded (Kw)
P3 : Vertical Power Loaded (Kw)
f : Frection Coefisien (0,03)
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